Batch Update and RMMV Page

queenofthenight It’s been 5∼6 years since this blog was conceived. I’m slowly updating all the pages and links. I figured it’s also the best time to fix all the pages. Some pages are outright ugly. Some artwork makes me cringe. But that’s OK! Hopefully, I won’t take too long to do this.

Each page will have new sections queenofthenight Archeia Notes for how that material is conceived/created and what for. pencilChangelog is a list of all the changes of that page. bookpreviewGallery Preview is now just a sample of what the resources look like. I used to upload all the images on the page, but I realize now that it’s very unnecessary when there’s a ZIP download. pencilDownload Links now have a main and a mirror link. This way, if one of them goes down, not all hope is lost. pencilSupplementary Materials are extra links to other creators for more materials of that character.

pencil Changelog

I’m currently working on OMORI so I’m a bit slow. Thank you for still visiting my website!

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